Tron Legacy! Tron 1982 Fan-Made Trailer & “Tron Vs. Saul Bass” Trailer. Simple, Classic, & Memorable.

When I first saw the trailer below, I thought it was a full on legit trailer of the classic “Tron” movie from 1982, but it’s fanmade. With the addition of modern programs and advance text, the trailer below would have killed if it was out in 1982, in fact it kills now! If the new Tron Legacy had a trailer like this I think there would be a bleach stain on my pants.

Along with this amazing fan-made trailer, here is a trailer of Tron called ‘Tron Vs. Saul Bass’. It is the trailer that would have been made if Saul Bass was making a trailer, simple, clean, and classic.

Via: VME