Anime, Cosplay, Goku, Nyan Cats, Tifa, Cloud, Naruto, Piccolo, Pandas… & Moar. Part 4

Been slacking on the daily posts due to some behind the scene business the last few days (revealed on the blog soon), but now with some time on my side, it’s time to get back on track with all these super-rad photos I have left from the 2011 Anime Festival. These sets of photos are some of the better pics I’ve taken, since they were shot with a far superior camera… Maybe you’ll noticed the difference. Check the previous parts of our coverage here, along with our Mulan cosplay sing-a-long video!

Natalie and her sister dressing up as a raver=girl and Yoko from Gurren Lagann!

Final Fantasy’s Riku!

Hello Kitty Samurai!

Cosplay lovin’.

Female Naruto!

The Alice in Wonderland girls.

The Kakashi’s VS Kankuro!


Teen Titans’ Raven.

The Links.

Kingdom Hearts! I love this photo.

Kamen Rider!



Sailor Venus and Jupiter!


Man with beaten face.


Who found Waldo? We did.

Pikachu Super Saiyan!

Gurren Lagann’s Kaminas!



Deadpool VS Helicopter.

Teen Titans’ Raven and Terra!

Final Fantasy XIII ladies!

Puppy. Awww.