Real World 3-D Pac-Man Sculpture By DeviantARTist Kalapusa. Related To Vegitation, The Pac-Man Species Are Rare Light Consumers.

DeviantARTist Kalapusa is here to feature his new sculptured work, a real world 3-D Pac-Man sculpture. Not only are they ugly but they love lights! The pac-man species do not consume, they are more related to the vegetation around us then any mammal or sea creature. They also consume light rays of any kind. They are great for repealing ghost, that is if you’re ready to throw away some lightbulbs.

My follow-up to Making a Piranha Plant, this animated depiction of the last days and final destination of a P. rotundus specimen is part of my 8-Bit Labs series of sculptures.
Each piece is based on a classic videogame character as seen through the prism of real-life anatomy. They are rendered in clay, painted with acrylics and sealed in resin to give the appearance of a specimen preserved in formaldehyde. Seen here is a Pakku rotundus, which is based on Pac Man.