Pervy’s Sketchbook #3: Boom — Head Shot! Featuring to Jack Hamm’s Drawing the Head & Figure!

Lets skip the introduction and get straight to the chocolaty center of this tootsie pop — the head!

One of the first things I did after opening up Jack Hamm’s “Drawing the Head and Figure” is learn how to draw the head, but as you can already tell, my first head sketches all look disproportionate in some way or another. Don’t worry if your faces turn out worse or the same as mine, like I said in the last sketchbook entry (Pervy’s Sketchbook #2), its not about making a sexy brick crushing model but learning the fundamentals!

Here’s what helped me a lot in getting the face right, the eyes:

(Woah, what she lookin at — right!?.. Right?.. Oh wait, this is from Jack Hamm’s Drawing the Head and Figure. (Please don’t sue!))

One of the things that helped me get much better at drawing faces was learning how the eyes mapped out the face.  You don’t want to go around like a headless chicken guessing where your head should be when you can actually find out. So, notice how the distance between the lips and chin are a eye’s length apart, this will help you place the lips. Notice also the distance between the eyes and the outside of the face are each a eye length, this will help you place the eyes in correct proportion to the rest of the face.

Using this we can see what was wrong with our early faces.  Keep in mind that this is only a general guideline, once you understand it you should definitely try exaggerating the shape of the face to your own imagination!

And the results:

Improvement acquired!

Now keep in mind that it takes a lot of practice to get your characters to look right and there’s no magic lesson that will instantly make you a master at drawing, but with learning and practice you’ll be making some sexy faces in no time. Just like Malcom Gladwell’s rule, I believe you’ll have to draw 10,000 faces until you’ll actually become successful at drawing faces.

Also, don’t do what I did and only practice drawing one gender *cough* girls */cough*.. There’s nothing more scary then all your male characters turning out female..

Anyways, that’s all for my quick run-through this sketchbook entry on faces. Until next time, Pervy away~~ *flap flap flap*

Checkout more of my sketchbook by visiting Pervy’s Sketchbook page by Clicking Here!