Henry Quiara, Stolen Gnome Prints, Saint Jahn @ Sneaker Palooza 2010 x San Antonio TX!

During our trip to San Antonio for the Sneaker Palooza we met with a lot of the artists that showcased their art pieces there. The piece with the stenciled stormtroopers quickly caught our eyes and it was definitely something I wanted to blog about.

These pieces just ooze of comedic commentary within our culture. There’s a a dark comedy which lurks within these art pieces, and it’s something that really makes art something incredibly fun.

Here’s a shot of the grand master artist himself who we had a pleasure of meeting!

This here is our homie, Saint Jahn, an amazing painter with a totally urban style. Not only does Saint Jahn have great talents in the arts, but the man is a straight up character and maintains a fresh attitude that really dug! Check out more of his work here at his myspace.

This is Henry Quiara of Artficionado, he’s the main man behind the official screen printed posters for the Sneaker Palooza event.Make sure to drop by his blog, Artficionado, for more updates on his life and journey with his love for art.

Old school street-boom-box anyone?

These dudes are crazy painters, they even paint shoes. They are apart of the crew, Stolen Gnome Prints, and came out swinging with their customized shoe collections and some of their choice work.

Rafael Delagarza (the due in the left of the picture above) painted this tribute piece to Mike Giant of Rebel 8.

Man, covering the 5 corners of Sneaker Palooza have been epic thus far. As of now I have covered the Sneaker Exhibit, Art Exhibit, Dance Exhibit, now time for some more!