Horror remakes are like the seasons, they are always coming back around in full cycle. And with the remakes of horror classics such as Mike Myers, Jason, Dawn of the Dead, and countless others, it doesn’t come to any surprise that Freddy finally gets his turn to be revised for the big screen. With October inching closer, this new trailer for “A Nightmare on Elm St.” is set to get you hyped, but it won’t be until April 30th, 2010 before it’s released into the theaters. Robert Englund sadly won’t be making a comeback this time around as the horror, dream-serial-killer, Freddy, all thanks to Michael Bay passing up on him for Jackie Earle Haley (Rorschach in Watchmen). And even though it’s sad to hear of Robert Englund departure as the classic Freddy, I’m actually quite excited to see Jackie Earle Haley’s version of Freddy, after all he was, no doubt, the most interesting thing about the Watchmen movie.

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