Bacon Bits Invader T-Shirt. $10 For The Love Of Your Life.


Oh Bacon Bit shirt of superbness, you rock, I love you, come inside me (heh). I wish I had this shirt so bad it is just awesome it pleasures both my love for bacon and Invader! It only cost $10 to, freaking sweet.

Once in a while, in a great while, a shirt comes along that is so good, it leaves us totally speechless. There’s no reason for us to even pretend otherwise today. And we won’t.

Wear this shirt: because it’s great! It’s really great! People will see this and fall over laughing! It will get you dates! It will make you friends! It might even get you free bacon!

Don’t wear this shirt: hmm. Maybe if you’re a vegan, you might not want to wear this shirt. But even vegans will get the joke. And it’s not real bacon, just a bacon drawing. There’s no rule against drawings, right? We’re pretty sure everybody should wear this shirt.

Via: WOS