Left 4 Dead Survival Map: Don’t Answer the Phone, Developed by James Frazier! It’s The Phone That Gets Ya!


Have another Left 4 Dead survival map for you guys: Don’t Answer the Phone, developed and created by James Frazier. A small survival map that will keep you on the run, where unlike what the title of the map would lead you to think, has you answering the phone to let loose some deathly entertainment.

1. Don’t Answer the Phone! (Final)

Map Created by James Frazier (Email: frazier_j@hotmail.com)

Details: A small survival map set in the woods. Answer the phone and all hell breaks loose. – =(eGO)=™Gib_Mongrel

Instructions: Put the .bsp and .nav files in the L4d maps folder, mine is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\left 4 dead\left4dead\maps

In game drop console and type map dontanswer, enter.

Notes: This is my Third (first outdoor) tutorial map for Left 4 Dead. Not much to it but I hope you have fun with it.
*I ruined the .vmf file so this is the final version 😛 Has a few errors at console like the vphysics on some shrub static props but its still playable.


~To Download “Don’t Answer the Phone”, Click A Mirror Below!~

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-Loyal K.N.G.