Blackbird Use That Tool! Bird Brains Are More Then Meets The Eyes.


Well, it’s official birds are smarter then babies, well, at least a British Rook bird is. Captive rook birds have been tested for their knowledge and brain power, one of the test had a container crawling with worms, and a metal string to et it out with. Immediately the bird got the piece of metal bent it into a hook shape, and took the worms out so it could eat it.

They were presented with a small bucket of wriggling worms out of reach at the end of a tube, and next to it a piece of straight wire.

Remarkably, despite never having seen the set-up before, they immediately got to work bending the wire so they could hook out the bucket and tuck in.

Unlike most animals which learn tricks through trial and error, they solved the problem immediately and, since they were raised in captivity, had no other birds to show them how to do it.

Via: DLM & GKL