Return of The Photoshopping Female Face Project!

It has been a good week before I could get back to Photoshop training, mainly due to some retarded college class (biology 2) taking up ALL of my free time. Anyway, I am ecstatic to continue this grueling project. (Check here and here to see the previous work in progress of this photoshoping series)

So far from where I left off last time, I needed to attend to the hair for the female face that I conjured up. So this was the first result:


From here she looked kind of plain and grim, and for some reason her face keeps appearing to elongated for her own good. So here is the result of some tweaks:


Cool-beans. So far we are moving slowly ahead. I guess next time I’ll try to add texture to the hair and make it look like hair rather then some black smudge.

Visit more of my little photoshop adventure here.