Artist Awesome-ness: Phil Noto; Comic Artist, Painter, Illustrator… Complete Package!


Phil Noto is a well known and respected comic artist, painter, illustrator and all those other cool artistic names. Phil has one heck of a knack for really putting his own style into his paintings,  all his female illustration really comes to life. Not only that, but Noto’s pieces really does a great job of bringing beauty out of these girls. No wonder he is the go to guy for these comic book work! I’m telling you, I am a comic book junkie, and to see Noto’s work in a comic book is worth the price of a comic book’s weight. Good thing it isn’t, so it’s definitely worth picking up one of his comic issue.Visit Phil Noto’s site here and check out more of his work!

Visit more artist spotlights here! If you click there the Dinosaurs may become in-extinct! Wouldn’t you want that? I know I would… I sure do love my dinosaurs. What I would give to ride a Tyrannosaurus Rex.
