The Journey To Madness, The Photoshop Story. Digital Painting is Difficult…

So me and photoshop are trying to become friends… But it’s a hard and difficult journey. So far I am still working on beginner level stuff, which is digital painting and all that jazz. So as usual this post will document my progress.

In my current photoshop project, I am trying to paint a decent female face and make it look good. At the moment, I am still on early stages and learning how to blend colors (one of the most difficult part of this process is choosing the colors…).


I sketched up a basic female face, trying my best to get all the correct female characteristics including the accurate facial features.  Then I choose some colors to use as the base color for the face, which you can see in the photo.


Did some more coloring and blending. Also tried my best to add more depth and value (shading) to create a less flat look. The only thing I didn’t like about this project so far was that the face was to elongated… and didn’t look right. So…


Yea, as I said, I didn’t like the long-ness of the face, so I messed around the face by pushing the lower half of the face upward. So that’s all I got so far today, maybe I’ll get more done tomorrow. It’s 5am at the moment, and I have 3 hours sleep till college start… I’m exhausted.