Doodles This Doodle That! Process of Learning Photoshop. Oh Joy!


This post is just me documenting my process of learning Photoshop and it’s ways, while at the same time failing out of college because I suck at it. Owell. So far, I am just using my newly acquired wacom tablet to work with photoshop, which I started learning 3 days ago. The process seems gruelingly slow, but you know what they say… take it one baby step at a time.

At the moment just learning the brushes and the coloring mess.


Just a simple doodle of some random made-up chick. David (my long lost dead friend) suggested I should sketch up a femme for him to look at… So there it is. But truthfully I doodle this one up so that I can learn how to properly color hair.


The all seeing eyeball…

Also if you guys need any help with photoshop or question let me know, I may be able to help you. Though I am a noobie myself.