Mirror’s Edge in 2D! Play It For Free Inside! Flash Technology is Sweeter Than Ever!


That’s right, all thanks to people from Borne Games (and of course Mirror’s Edge, for inspiration).  You can now play the 2D version of the game!  Fast paced, and captures the same feel of the actual Mirror’s Edge.  It actually suprized me by how smooth it played.

Simple, clean, fast, and fun.  What else could you ask for?

ME 2D Beta

Welcome to the Mirror’s Edge 2D Beta (.12b). Please email bugs (with pictures, if possible) to bugreports at bornegames dot com.

Now, I can’t stress this enough. This is only a one level beta, designed to iron out a few bugs before release, and give you guys a chance to leave some feedback on the raw gameplay. There’s much more to the (also free) full game than just this level. Don’t forget to check out Mirror’s Edge, out now on Playstation 3 and XBox 360.

Also of note, Electronic Arts is officially working with Borne Games on ME 2D.

~~~~~~~Play it here! ~~~~~~~~~

Left and Right arrows: Run
Up arrow: Horizontal wall run, vertical wall climb
Down arrow: Duck
Space Bar: Pause
S or /: Jump
M: toggle music
R at pause screen: Reset lap

Programming, gameplay, and level design: Brad Borne
Background Art: Mike Swain, Mike Castro
Character Animation: Mike Miller.
Producer: Mark Spenner”

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