Heroes S4 E14 Review “A CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER”; Peter Got his Powers BACK! Part 2


Part 2 of Heroes Season 4 Episode 14 “A CLEAR & PRESENT DANGER” Review!

Go to Part 1 Here!

-Parkman gets visited by Safari dude and can now tell the future through being chosen as the next prophet. Great, looks like we are going to have another one of these! The writers still hasn’t explain who did those paintings on those buildings yet, and now they have already set themselves up for another seemingly unsolved mystery as to who is making the choosing around in the Heroes Universe.

-As usual Peter and Nathan do their gay brotherly arguing. This has to be the most mediocre crap I have ever seen. Nathan and Peter’s argument are predictable and boring. If the writers wanted to improve this season they would have to cut this mess out. It’s been done to death already. And seriously? Did Peter just hug Nathan, even after all the unusual cues of irregularities, such as the breaking in the house, the weird asking of questions and just asking for a hug out of the blue? Kind of reminds me of the Daddy Petrelli situation, where Peter hugged his father, and his father stole his powers. One thing Peter should have learned in the past 3 seasons are that hugs equal a death wish. Stupid Peter, hugs are for dummies.

-Sylar vs Government people with guns equal AWESOME. Best scene in the episode right here! If last season had ended with a more elaborate version of Sylar vs the Government scene then that would of been something. I hope to see more of this!

-In my opinion, the capture of the heroes on the airplane scene was quite good. A lot of awesomeness in Claire saving the entire pack, good tension through out this scene. This will be another redeemer for this episode along with Sylar’s scenes.

In conclusion, this episode seemed to take off very slowly, but as it moved toward the end, the story began to pick up speed. With the episode revealing new plot lines and the usual cliffhangers for the fans to come back for more. Well, unless you guys/gals have already given up on the show. Overall, it was a solid episode, hoping to see where this season goes!

Edit: On my usual photo edits, I may get to those later on the week! At the moment I am quite busy with college work to get to those at the moment, but I’ll try! Let me know what you guys thought of this week’s episode!

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