Kid In China Gets Cheek Tored Apart By Teacher!


You know how kids these days in America only get like a “0” for a grade for not doing homework. Well hear me out, we are pretty dang lucky (I’m guessing, but still 0’s suck real bad). I just read in this article about a 5th grader getting his cheek tore off for not doing his homework in China! The surprising part is (not that getting your cheek torn off isn’t “surprising”)  it was his homeroom teacher the did it! Now I’m not saying this happens in China a lot, heck this is probably a first time, but damn what the hell was that teacher thinking! This is what the kid had to say about this.

“She was very angry at the time,” he said. “She ripped and twisted my cheeks with both her hands and then she lifted me off the ground.”

It took 52 stiches to replace the cheek. Man talk about tough luck.

Via: WA