Beyond Black Mesa Official Trailer inspired by Valve’s Half-Life, Directed by Brian Curtin!

This is for all you Half-Life fans out there that are still wait for Valve to release Half-Life 3. This may not be a new game, but it might just be a whole lot better!

This is the official trailer for Beyond Black Mesa – a short independent fan film Inspired by the Half-Life Video Game series. It centers around Adrian Shephard and a band of resistance fighters struggling to get out a warning about the impending invasion. Ah, this is like poetry for gaming fanatics.

Beyond Black Mesa Official Trailer inspired by Half-Life from Brian Curtin on Vimeo.


Directed by Brian Curtin
Producer: Matt Hall, Mat Powell
Actors/Grips: Joy Gravel, Walt Thomas, Andrew Gothard
Special Tracks: Nate Quarterman
Narrator: Taylor Robinson
Audio Mastering: Eric Chapman