As long as God gives me strength & health, I will never relent to give up. I will count my blessings & make an impact. – Loyal K.N.G.’s Find Your Love. Part 6

Even in the toughest of times, when situations are grim, when issues become difficult to handle, when all hope seems lost, we have only one option, and it’s to put our trust and faith to the One who gave us our breaths. Nothing is hopeless as long as we are blessed with strength and health. Even when the world constricts us in situation unfathomable, we still have our breath. With air flowing through our body, why would we ever choose the option to give up? Life is a journey where trials and struggles are placed in our path to stop us, to tempt us, to make us fail, but there is no sense in letting it control us beyond our delusional worries, which, in it of itself, becomes our most effective weakness.

It is in our relentlessness to not give up that will bring true joy to our lives. If we never stay content in the dirt after falling from a stumble, we’ll always be ahead of where we fell. Sometime we lose hope because it’s something that we feel our life doesn’t deserve to struggle with, as if the situation was unfairly handed to us. The truth of the matter is that the world doesn’t care whether we fall and stay or stand back up. Although it’s always in our better interest to move along, because, for one, we weren’t given the blessings of strength and health to just sit in one place and wither our life away. We were all given a purpose to do so much more; all we have to do is open our minds to new possibilities. We have to be aware and listen carefully for the cues that God sends to us through our lives.

We will always find that fighting through problems and life’s little speed bumps will present great stride of blessings. These moments of clarity only further reinforce our choice of breaking pass the frequent plateaus of life. When we take a moment to reflect back into our past, wherever we faced the most difficult of times, it was all a preparation to bring us true strength and wisdom to grow into the position we were called for. It is our responsibility to make an impact. Our purpose is to create an empowering impact in situations that seem haywire, distorted, and grim. It’s not the easiest of paths, but it truly is the most rewarding. We all have to count our blessings, because, as it stands, we are still here, and that’s a blessing.

“As long as God gives me strength & health, I will never relent to give up. I will count my blessings & make an impact. This is my promise.”

Read more from the Loyal K.N.G.’s “Find Your Love” series here.