Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Cosplay “Link’s Zora Suit” By DeviantARTist Zoroko. Swiming & Breathing The Water Life.

Never have I seen such an excellent Link cosplay. The cosplay costume was created by DeviantARTist Zoroko, it is a 100% replica of Link’s Zora suit from his recent game “Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.” I have to admit I am thoroughly enjoying these photos of the suit, I really want one for myself.

In the end I never really kept track of the final amount, but I estimate this costume cost at least $300. Each part took a good amount of time-I would say that the helmet was probably the most difficult out of the entire costume. It was interesting trying to get the helmet to fit comfortably and get it to stay on my head without any problems (lots and lots of hidden velcro!). The hat is filled with poly-fill to give it a more full overall look.

Via: DEV