Loyal K.N.G. Big Amazing Wonderful Event w/ JabbawockeeZ Tribute Vs D.A. Photo Blog Post! We Love Being Involved! Part 1

So I had some photos stashed on my computer from our Loyal K.N.G. event we threw in collaboration with Longview Texas’ David’s Ambassadors (dance crew) and Jabbawockeez tribute crew, Jabbawock33Z, and I was happy to say it was a modest success! People had fun, kids had smiles, and tons of people took photos. However, no one took more photos then I did. So here are just a few photos from the event for you guys to take a peek into what went down! This is part 1 of a 2 part post, so wait tomorrow for the rest of the event photos!

As you can see, these two dudes were sitting front row and lovin’ the upfront dancing action! Who can blame them for having such wide and bright smiles!

Some happy campers here! Like I said, you just don’t attend a Loyal K.N.G. event and NOT SMILE… It’s just not possible

These girls were dedicated fans! They came by our Meet and Greet 2 days before the event, then attended the main event, and they even purchased a couple of tees! These are true Loyal K.N.G. fans right here. Love y’all!

Once again, I’m just loving the big ole smile these girls are poppin’! That’s all I asked for when we came up with this event. It’s all about bringing the community together in a unique and fun way!

Awww, I don’t know about you guys, but these guys look way to happy! Just sitting, chillin, and rooting for their dancers! All at the Loyal K.N.G. event. That’s what it do.

These thug lookin’ dude knows whats up.

So there ya go, this is the first part of the photo blog posts I’m doing for the Loyal K.N.G. event! We are all very proud of putting all this together and creating somethin gwe can all be proud of. After all, Loyal K.N.G. isn’t just a blog, or even a clothing line, but at it’s core, it is truly a lifestyle.