Call of Duty Nazi Map: Nazi Zombie Grave by Jam-med! Putting Zombies Down Under 1 Map at Time!

nazi zombie jam-med codwaw concept art call of duty world at war

Another Nazi zombie map comes to Call of Duty World at War, thanks to it’s developer Jam-med for releasing his map: Nazi Zombie Grave! The map itself is a very simple straight to the point map. Nothing really special about the map, but if your looking for a Nazi experience with you vs the zombies, this could be the choice for you.

1. Nazi Zombie Grave (1.0)

Map Created by Jam-med

Details: Hi this map yeah it’s pretty basic being it only a flat out field has yet to be desired. it has nothing and i have a fealing i messed it up. but if it gets working then the map should be pretty good. You can really do mostly anything you want to this map and if you really want make it better by adding PaP, Perks-O-Cola and even better to it but this map was going to be really basic and posibly literly a grave yard. OoOoOo.

Game: Call of Duty World at War

Gametype: Nazi Zombie

~To Download Nazi Zombie Grave by Jam-med, Click A Mirror Below!~


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– Loyal K.N.G.