Last Bottle Of Unicorn Magical Love Juice Sold On Ebay For $31 Plus Shipping. Gives You Unspeakable Talents.


The last bottle of magical Unicorn love juice was sold today for $31 plus $3 for shipping on eBay. I’m disappointed that I didn’t catch the bid till it was over. I want some Unicorn blessings. As we all know, the rare bottles of Unicorn semen are nearly impossible to get nowadays.

This is possibly the only jar of Unicorn semen left in the united states.Unicorns were bred for their magic and keen night hunting skills to protect lepreachauns that had been injured in battle during the civil war. Unicorns were only found in two places on the planet, the northern and southern hemispheres. Anyone in possession of this rare and magical fluid will be able to swim with the wolves and fly with the dolphins as its powers are still being found.I opened the jar while i was on my computer and my computer flickered for a minute and i realized the semen had helped me kill Yogg-Saron on my World of Warcraft account and i recieved the Shawl of Haunted memories and the Mantle of the Wayward Conqueror. i have already been blessed and recieved my gift…so i’m going to pass the power onto someone else. Do not drink the unicorn semen as the power is too much for the human digestive system and could change your DNA and give you the shits. Bid, but Bid Wisely.

I want 10….to bad it’s to late.

Via: EBY