Marvel: Whiplash New Look For Comic Series, Iron Man Vs. Whiplash.


So this is the new look at Whiplash for the upcoming the four-issue series of Iron Man Vs. Whiplash. As you can see, they have adapted the look of whiplash to the new Iron man 2 movie, and all I can say is that I dig it. The look is plain bad-to-the-bone.

Before he flays the metal off of Tony Stark’s hide in ‘Iron Man 2,’ this is every True Believer’s chance to crawl inside the twisted head of the wicked Whiplash… If it’s jet-setting, globe-trotting, eye-popping action you crave, Iron Man Vs. Whiplash will make you believe that Tony Stark is indeed a cool exec with a heart of steel… and Whiplash is the fiend that will break it!


Via: MRV