Naked 19 Year Old Terminator On Nevada Border. I Blame the Drugs Only 25%.


I don’t know about you but this is the best news I’ve read all day.

19-year-old Sean Stanley Smith was arrested on the Nevada border after he was spotted by a motorist wandering around the highway nude. He was ordered by police to stop but proceeded into a nearby casino – where he was then tasered in front of a group of children.

Smith claims he was a Terminator sent back in time from the future.

This is obviously the first sign of my Terminator Theory. I mean I believe the kid! What could a naked 19 year old be doing naked at the Nevada Border other wise (drugs)? At least that’s what I thought until I read.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator but was in fact suffering from the effects of LSD and marijuana. He was charged with indecent exposure and resisting a police officer.

I say they are really trying to cover this up, and the young boy Smith from the future new that was the only way to get out of the cops custody. Smart future lad he is.

Via: YHO