Wicked Mom Makes 9yr Old Son Go To School Almost Naked. He Deserved It…Sort Of.


This is possibly the most hilarious story I’ve ever read on sleepiong in and having an awesome mom. I don’t want to ruin it for you, but basically a boy that always sleeps till the very last seconds his to go to school. His mom tries numerous times to try to wake him up but failed. But when the time came she brought him to school in the coolest most motherly way I’ve ever heard of!

“I was perhaps 9 years old when it happened.

I had a terrible habit as a kid to want to sleep in until the last possible moment. Ok, who am I kidding? I still do that. I’m usually about 30 seconds late for work everyday. But when I was a kid, this drove my mother to the brink of sanity. She put up with it for a long time, always managing to get me roused and dressed, books in hand and out the door for school just in the nick of time. Sometimes she’d peek her head in my bedroom door every 10 minutes and check in, making sure I was on track. And generally I managed to get myself together with seconds to spare. But there WAS that one time…

For the rest of the story check out EVET