Chuck Norris VS. Mr. T Comic Book/Facts Book. Can There Be A Winner Before The Big Bang Happens Again?


Well, boyz and gurlz meet the killer of all magazines (I’m sorry Spiderman) Chuck Norris Vs. Mr.T. I have to say this could be a monumental event, now that I really think about they are really the 2 most ferocious opponents out there. Chuck Norris and his one shot 3 kill rate and Mr.T with his 1 bling 5 banging rate. You can get your own comic now at AMZ for just the cheap price of $9.41.

Now Ian Spector has returned to his voluminous vault to bring readers 200 new Chuck Norris facts alongside 200 facts about his longtime antagonist Mr. T, in a battle that pits foot against fist, beard against mohawk, and Delta Force against A-Team. Included in this fearsome tome are such startling observations as:

• There is nothing to fear but fear itself, and fear itself fears Chuck Norris.
• King Kong once challenged Godzilla to an arm-wrestling match. Mr. T won.
• The reason newborn babies cry is because they know they have just entered a world with Chuck Norris.
• The last man to make eye contact with Mr. T was Stevie Wonder.
• Chuck Norris is a man’s man’s man.
• Mr. T once beat a man to death with his own corpse.

A hilarious tribute to two of the greatest humans who have ever lived, Chuck Norris vs Mr. T is the one book that can finally reveal what happens when an irresistible force meets an immovable object.

Via: AMZ