Left 4 Dead Campaign: The Mortuary, Developed & Provided by Poor! Zombies Are At It Again!


Well, the zombies are at it again, and this time they have infested Poor’s Left 4 Dead campaign: The Mortuary. The campaign consists of 3 complete maps, all set in different areas, so there’s always a sense of variety when you play through. A polished map worth playing through multiple times, as long as you think you won’t lose yourself in the process.

1. The Mortuary (Complete 1.0)

Map Created by Poor

Details: Starting at the Metro Station, the survivors must head to the mortuary to examine the infected. – Poor

3/3 Maps Available

Rooftop/computer work/army/renovation
Appartment/Mortuary final

~To Download Poor’s L4D Campaign, Click A Mirror Below!~

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-Loyal K.N.G.

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