Death Star Grill Made By Ebay User attackbat. One Grill To Rule Them All! Wait Wrong Movie.

death-grill-1Ebay user attackbat made this awesome Death Star grill after reading on Geekologie about rejected Star Wars products.

I started with two Weber grills and used the bottom portions because they were fairly spherical. I welded up the stand and fabricated the vent systems (there is a vent on the bottom also). The inside is painted in barbecue paint so it is safe to cook with. The outside is painted in engine enamel so it should be good to 500 degrees. I know it isn’t perfect but it was a fun project. The grill is now up on so check it out if you’d like your very own Death Star Grill!

What a cool guy I want to buy me the Death Star grill.

Via: Ebay & BYT