Left 4 Dead Campaign Update: Death Aboard (Beta 5.0), Created by Dipnuts! Yay, Another Awesome Addition!


A update of the long since created campaign: Death Aboard, created by Dipnuts! This update consists of 4 out of 5 maps available, along with some bug/glitches fixes, and of course a more polished gaming experience. A real promising campaign, that I would recommend anyone to test out for theirself. There are still some bugs here, and there, but the campaign itself is worth every *cough* imaginary *cough* penny!

1. Death Aboard (Beta 5.0)

Map Created by Diputs

Details: “In Death Aboard you start out in a prison and work your way out to the nearest docks area. From here, you board a stranded ship and finally to a peninsula or island where there will be a lighthouse as a finale.”

4/5 Maps Available
– Prison
– Prison Yard
– Docks
– Ship


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