64,000 Years Spent On Playing Halo. Now That’s a Sight For Sore Eyes.


I don’t know if this is a good or bad thing, but the billionth game of Halo 3 was played last Saturday, and Bungie decided to add up all the time spent on playing Halo3. What they came up with was 2,023,153,340,764 seconds roughly 64,000 years. Dang, that’s like over 900 human lives holy crap.

“Bungie recently tallied up the number of matches played and the total play time for them and the results are astounding.

The billionth game of Halo 3 was played last Saturday. Bungie then calculated the play time of every online match – not counting custom maps – and it reaches 2,023,153,340,764 seconds, which equals out to roughly 64,000 years.

To further drive home the point of how huge of a number that is, they mentioned that 64,000 years ago neanderthal walked the Earth and modern man hadn’t yet set foot in Asia.”

Via: OMGHalo