COD:WAW Gameplay Mods! Not Only Do You Get to Kick Cheaters, You Can Do it Blind folded!


Have some Call of Duty: World at War mods that any server host should have.  Have fun kicking any player going against the rules, without even needing to actually kick them!  Also for you Zombie mode fans, we found a little mod that can spiffy up your fun also.  Trust us, it’s worth it.

1. CoD5 Weapon Restriction bot (Thanks to AintNoMeInTeam)
Description: “This is a simple serverside bot that monitors the server log and kicks players who use weapons that have been disallowed.
Before a kick is issued, the player is given 3 warnings.

How to Use:

To install this bot, simply extract it (with the allowedweapons.txt file) to the folder in which the game generates the
games_mp.log file ( \main\ for unmodded servers).

This is a command line application, and it requires two command line arguments: the port of the server and the rcon_password.

An Example:
WeaponWatch 28960 testpassword

To change what weapons the application will allow, simply add (to allow) or remove (to forbid) the weapon name from AllowedWeapons.txt


-This application is open source, feel free to modify and improve upon it as you see fit, but please atleast give me a mention Smiley
-(the source code is in the jar file).
-I have provided both an exe and a jar file – both are effectively the same, but some people are more comfortable using exe files.
-This application is provided ‘as-is’ without any specifications about being fit for a particular use
and I shall not be held accountable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from its use or misuse.
(just covering my ass here).” – AintNoMeInTeam

Download here


2. Gambler’s Ruin (Thanks to [x] FWCorey)
This MOD increases the value of all wall-bought items except the bolt-action rifles and pistols. Players must now rely on their luck gambling with the Random Box which now contains one each of the flame-thrower, ray gun and each heavy machine gun. The ammo drop bonus has also been removed so when your weapon runs dry you’ll have to spin for a new one. A real heartbreaker when that ray gun runs out!!!’
Boarding up windows is no longer free and costs 10 points/board or 20 points/board during double points bonuses, so make sure the windows are repaired before picking it up during a lull.
The difficulty progression for the zombies has also received a slight tweak and ramps up a little more sharply.

In all the game feels more urgent and the player dynamics are shifted quite a bit. I hope you enjoy it.

The mod can also be run on almost any map by unzipping the “” file into the map’s directory.

If you are hosting the mod on the default map the other players don’t need to have it as long as you all have downloads enabled, but they do need it on any custom map.” – [x] FWCorey

Download here

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