Top 10 Creative Star War’s Darth Vader Cosplays! I Want Something to Blow Me a Way Like the Death Star!


I am tired of the multiple cosplayers trying to get as close as possible to the original Darth Vader fit. I mean come on now, it’s a lot more difficult to put a spin on something old and classic, and making it into something fresh and new. Give me a cosplayer who transcends the mold and makes the people around them gawk in awe. I want to see such originality, that when I am in their presence, I shart out Death Stars. Now that’s originality. Here is the list of top 10 creative Darth Vader cosplay!


10. Darth Vader w/ Plastic Guitar

Now this guy has the right idea! Rocker Darth Vader cosplay are for the wins! I appreciate how this dude goes the extra mile to strap himself up with an accessories.


9. Darth Vader and his Midget Accessory

How do you beat Vader #10? Easy you get a mini-me vader.


8. White Darth Vader

This dude definitely thought out of the dark mold for this one. Now you can’t say Darth Vader didn’t join the light side. This dude could be a Christmas Tree ornament. He’s so friggin’ light.


7. Master Playa Darth Vader

This guy kept the suit the same, but I don’t think there has ever been a Darth Vader cosplayer who actually tried to get girls. This guy’s creative.


6. Hellovader (Hello Kitty Colo Scheme FTW)

This guy one ups the White Darth Vader and adds some colors to the outfit. And by colors, I mean colors that are straight out of Hello Kitty. This dude deserves slot 6.


5. Sexy Darth Vader?!1?

Who would of known?… It works for me.


4. Helmetless Darth Vader

Yea… I’m pretty sure he’s the first Vader to actually go Helmentless.


3. Whoops… Helmetless Cardboard Darth Vader

Wow, this dude out did #4! Not only is he with out a helmet, he’s made up entirely of cardboard boxes! Now that’s utilizing your tools!

Samurai Darth Vader

2. Samurai Darth Vader

This is a nasty wicked twist to the classic Vader suit. This guy totally got it spot on.

And the winner is…

Benji Vaderdarth-pug11

1. Doggy Darth Vaders (IT’S A TIE BETWEEN Benji and Pugger!)

This is just pure win.



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