Great Fallout 3 New Lands Mods! Who Doesn’t Want a Ghoul Mansion?


Yay, more mods for your pleasure!  In today’s sack, are mods that add new lands and homes for you to pop around in.  Whether you take it or not is your choice, of course.

1. New Home Outdoor Bus (Thanks to Sorkenlol)

Description: This mod pretty much adds a new home (a bus) in the wastelands.  You can find it east of Tenpenny Towers, of which will be marked as “The Rock”.   Great for those who want a extra little place to hang around, and make yourself at home.
Download here


2. Two new wastelandish homes (Thanks to Sorkenlol)

Description: This mod give you two more homes to crash in, one being an average sized home with a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and workplace.  Second one being a crashed train.  You can find it close to the scrapyard.
Download here


3. Big Town Upgraded (Thanks to Mandalorian_jedi1)

Description: Now this is for those who are a bit tired of the old barren Big Town.  Not only does this mod makes it into a paradise by adding trees, (yummy)grass, and 7 (crazy) laser turrets, and a much needed outhouse.  It even has a weapon locker at the entrance for the citizens of Big Town (Contains armor/ammo/weapons/etc).  No mod is as sweet.
Download here


4. The Dukov Project (Thanks to Tooth)
Description: “This is a make your own fun mod. Dukov lives there w/ two girls. You can be his roommate if you want, and the four of you can live happily ever after, or you can shoot them all and take the place for your own. OR, if you play your cards right, you can get rid of Dukov and you get a party pad and two girls. OR, if you REALLY want to, you can get rid of the girls and get a party pad w/ Dukov if that’s your speed. It’s not a scripted event; it’s what you make of it. The mod doesn’t discriminate, but I suggest you try to get the two girls. I like to SHOOT Dukov, personally.” – steeltooth
Download here


5. Ghoul Mansion (Thanks to AbsoluteDesign666)
Description: “A fairly large mansion located north of Old Olney/Vault 92 (just off the map). It is filled with feral ghouls for a fun challenge and includes a story explaining why it is like this. The mansion can become a new home (with all the equipment – workbench etc) after it is cleared – don’t worry about the left over corpses, they will disappear after 3 days away from the mansion. Challenging, fun and rewarding!”- AbsoluteDesign666
Download here


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