Reporter Throws Shoes @ George Bush! How Dare these Vile Villians!

Looks like some Douche bag-nugget is trying to get a one up on our George Bush! What do I have to say about that? HELL NO! No one, and I mean no one gets to throw shoes at my President and gets away with it! Although neither of the shoe the reporter threw actually hit Mr. George Bush… Which is GOOD! Dumb-butt needs to take throwing lesson before embarrassing himself on national television. Now everyone including his children will be singing this song, which I wrote especially for this dumbnut. (Check after the jump for the song plus video!)

Reporter is a dumbnut who suck at tossing shoes at George Bush:

Reporter needs lessons on how to throw

He missed hitting George Bush w/ his shoes

This song is retarded but the reporter is more for not knowing how to throw

Reporter is now a laughing stock to all, and now he is all blue….boo…hoo…boo…friggin’ hoo

The End