New PS3 Final Fantasy XIII Versus DK(Sigma)3713 Trailer; ZOMG I Want to Play NOW!

Hey guys! Today I am bringing you guys the newest Final Fantasy XIII Versus DK?3713 Trailer! From the looks of it, this game is big… big in a epic proportional way! Looks like a lot of the Kingdom Heart crew are working on this game from designs, animation, all the way down to the music written. Sounding like a new Square-Enix masterpiece to me! This game will be released on the PS3! Stay tuned for more news on this awesome game!

The trailer itself has tons of CGI rendered scenes with heavy action and to many eye candies to count. At first, for me, the trailer seemed like some sort of serial drama teaser, but as the trailer moves along it starts to become a high rushed adrenaline driven trailer of EPIC PROPORTIONS (Had to use this twice, sorry)! Anyways, you guys can check the trailer out below!