REAL Gears of War Costumes and Assualt Guns You Can BUY!

If I didn’t know any better I would of thought that these people were cosplaying, which, I guess, they are. But it is absolutely stunning how friggin‘ amazing they look in these armors. The Assualt Rifle make the dude look like a total Brute. Man, these costumes will make any Gears of War Heads drool till they die of dehydration. So like I mentioned in the title, these costumes are actually official and you can actually purchase these pieces of costumes to do what ever your fantasies or sick ideas desires! But the only down fall would be the hefty price tag that are placed on these pieces. You can expect to drop at least 950 dollars down the drain to be a proud owner of one of these gorgeous articles. I don’t think I can afford that… I’m still struggling to get by with 6 dollars subs at Subway every now and then…
