Dissidia’s Final Fantasy VII’s Cloud Vs Sephiroth Battle it out in Epic Proportions!

This is a brand new preview clip that has just been released for the new fighting game, Dissidia: Final Fantasy, show casing an epic battle between the Final Fantasy VII’s famed Hero and Nemesis, Cloud Vs Sephiroth. And let me tell you right now, for a PSP game, it is shaping up to be a pretty friggin’ awesome game! Fans of the Final Fantasy series will love this game. As a fan myself, I can’t wait for the release of this game. I’ve had a PSP for over 4 years now… and probably played it a dozen couple of hours. It didn’t really see alot of play time, but this game could change that. I would probably have to wipe the dust off that old gadget and rock out on some Dissidia!