Looney Tunes’s Merrie Melodies “Daffy Duck the Wizard”, The Musical To Rule Them All. RealTDragon·September 30, 2011Supposedly from the new Looney Tunes show below is the day maker, Daffy Duck, as an awesome wizard...AnimeComedy·1 Comment·0·38 views
Xbox Kinect David Hasselhoff’s “And Burnout Crash” Chicken Suit Commerical Trailer. RealTDragon·September 30, 2011Yup, it’s David Hasselhoff in a chicken suit playing Xbox Kinect. You must let the money roll in...ComedyGames·0 Comments·0·17 views
George Lucas Meets Ron Weasley & Destroys The Star Wars Childhood By SMBC Theater RealTDragon·September 30, 2011SMBC theater have made Star Wars and George Lucas make all the more sense. In secret George Lucas...Comedy·0 Comments·0·2 views
Darth Vader’s Jedi Powers Fail, “No” Deleted Scenes. RealTDragon·September 25, 2011Though Darth Vader is an amazing Jedi, that doesn’t stop him from being defeated by many of the...ComedyInternetz·0 Comments·0
Aliens vs. Avatar Movie Trailer Spoof. Explosions, Blue Mammals, High-Tech Gear, & Aliens! RealTDragon·September 22, 2011Here a quick spoof that shows the scenario of Aliens vs. Avatar. The short trailer shows people getting...Comedy·0 Comments·0·5 views
The Cat’s Jedi Kittens of Doom! My the Force Be W/ You Felines. RealTDragon·September 20, 2011The cute Jedi Kittens are back with their raging fiery of the force. This time with their light...ComedyInternetz·0 Comments·0·8 views
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