Every Curses and Swear Word Ever on Sopranos! NSFW BTW. LoyalKNG·February 9, 2009Just when you thought Sopranos were over, it comes running right back....Comedy·0 Comments·0·2 views
Beware! Humans are Among Us! Monsters are Scared of US! LoyalKNG·February 9, 2009Looks like Sci Fi Channel is setting up a great advertisement campaign flipping the humans being afraid of...Comedy·0 Comments·0·11 views
The Most Beautiful Bandaid Packaging Ever! Now It Hurts Less When we Get Cuts! LoyalKNG·February 9, 2009I wish I had this when I was younger. The days of my squirrel catching obsession would fare...Comedy·0 Comments·0·2 views
Onion: The Reality of the Standards of Skanks/Hoes/ and Flippers. LoyalKNG·February 9, 2009What’s a Flipper?...Comedy·0 Comments·0·1 view
David Goes to the Drug Dentist Music Remix! RealTDragon·February 9, 2009Remember that little crazy kid that went to the dentist and looked like he was on drugs? Well...Comedy·0 Comments·0·1 view
One Night Stand Leads to Girl Carving Her Name On Boy’s Flesh! RealTDragon·February 8, 2009Oh, what a poor guy. Seems like this dude named Wayne Robinson was going to this chick house...Comedy·0 Comments·0·21 views
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