Seriously, this is just friggin’ hilarious. Some dude starts playing wastebasket basketball, which then proceeds to ask Shaquille O’neil for a fist kiss. WUT? Apparently, ESPN pulled this Ad for being overtly offensive somehow… still for the lulz....
This video is so much win, I just can’t describe the kind of joy I get from watching this kind of stuff. Zomg. The Subtitle are pure hilarity. You must watch, I emplore you!...
Check out this amazing video directed by the genius minds of Simon Gesrel and Xavier Ehretsmann. The title of this short film is “Zombie Zombie!” This short flick is a total homage to John Carpenter’s “The Thing” using only G.I....
Astro Girl is a awesome Japanese TV show that’s all about this chick with massive breast saving the world! The thing is she kinds of resemble Super Girl…What does it matter? Just check after the jump for the video!...
Jim Carrey is the man in Dumb and Dumber! Just watch the video above for visual proof, man. You can’t deny the guy for busting guts like crazy during the 90’s. Wait till the 50 second mark for the LULZ...
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