Hey guys! We’ve partnered up with Red ID Agency, Trees Dallas, FUNimation, and A-Kon to promote the amazing Japanese metal band, Dir En Grey (Yes, the pioneer of Japanese Rock!), on their “AGE QUOD AGIS” world tour. They will be performing at Dallas’ Trees on Monday, December 5th, 2011!
We’re definitely excited to work with Dir En Grey and their promotional team to spread the word about the concert. And just to make it all the more sweeter, we were given 2 VIP Tickets to the Dir En Grey concert to give to one person in our contest give-a-way! The best part about this contest is we’ll include an exclusive Loyal K.N.G. snapback and unreleased t-shirt for the winner to choose from (Note: Winner must attend concert and pick up prizes at Trees-Dallas during the Dir En Grey Concert, or notify by email to LoyalKNG@gmail.com for items to be shipped too)!
So lets see how you can WIN some of these VIP Tickets and some of our cool Loyal K.N.G. gear to show off to your friends.
Contest Rules:
1. “Like” us on our Facebook Fanpage here (If you’ve already “Liked” our page, then skip this step)!
2. Post on our wallpost saying something awesome about Loyal K.N.G. or Dir En Grey, this is to keep us updated with who’ve all entered!
3. Then wait until midnight Sunday, December 4th, 2011, for us to announced the winner through random selection!
2 VIP Tickets to Dir En Grey J-Metal Concert at Trees-Dallas for Dec. 5th.
1 Loyal K.N.G. snapback of your choice, even ones that are currently unreleased.
1 Loyal K.N.G. Fall 2011 unreleased t-shirt of your choice!
Additional Concert info:
MON DEC 5th.
Also Appearing:
The Birthday Massacre
RSVP on our Facebook Event so we know if you guys are going and we and kick it and all that fun stuff!
Check out Dir En Grey’s newest J-Rock music video off their “Dum Spiro Spero” album here:
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