Snake Gets Pickachu Almost by Doubleleaf, Featuring Metal Gear Solid’s Snake VS. Pokemon’s Pikachu in a Super Smash Bro Brawl!

Every once in a while I find something that just tickles me to no end, and to the testament of that is Doubleleaf’s “Snake gets Pikachu, almost” where Metal Gear Solid’s Snake takes on Pokemon’s Pikachu. What really made me giggle on about this illustration is Doubleleaf’s description of the picture:

*codec call* “Watch out Snake, Pikachu won’t get into that Pokéball because he hates it”
“What! Why didn’t you tell me that befoARRRRRHHHHHH!!!”


Be sure to checkout more of Doubleleaf’s artwork over at her DeviantART: Here!