I Love Japan. Loyal K.N.G. Visits Dallas TX 2010 Japanese Festival. A Gathering of Eastern Culture to the Western Fronts!

Wow. I have never been so overwhelm with love for a culture than I have visiting Dallas TX’s annual 2010 Japanese Festival. This festival is a dedication and homage to the great vibrant and beautiful culture of Japan and their influence that ring through our melting-pot of a culture. There were a couple of thousand of people in attendance, and the most wonderful part for me to visit this festival were the beautiful children adorn in the traditional Japanese kimonos and dress-ups. The entertainment ranged from traditional Japanese drum-lines, band performances, karate exhibit, traditional Japan dances and much more. Just check out some of the photos the Loyal K.N.G. crew grabbed below.

Friends we met while we adventured through the Japanese Festival! It was nice to meet y’all!

It’s Scott (left) and his crew chilling at the festival! It’s great catching familiar faces everywhere we go. We met Scott at 2010 Anime Fest, be sure to read about it here. Just go to show y’all that life is really one cool Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.

It’s Allan and Christina chilling at Japan Fest! We also ran into them during the Anime Fest!