Want to start your won CoDWaW zombie mod? Well, now you can with hOly’s sharing of his CoDWaW mod: Zombie Opensource Mod! Also note that this is for more experienced users that have some knowledge in map making and modtools.
1. Zombie Opensource Mod
Mod Created by hOly
Details: Opensource Zombie Mod for all people that want to start their own Zombie mod.
– Place and extract the file into the Call of duty 4 Mods folder (Driver:/Program Files/Call of duty 4 Modern Warfare/Mods)
– Start Call of duty 4
– Open Mods menu
– Launch the zombie_opensource_files mod
– start a map ( /devmap or /map mp_mapname )
This is for advanced modders only!
If you don’t have any knowledge about modding or the modtools,
try to read some instructions and tutorials at the forum of Customcod.com
If you edit the mod and release it, please don’t take the credits for yourself,
i don’t need the full credits,
but its anoying to see someone who claims someone else material
Every single script is added in the zom.gsc by the next meaning: #include zom\_scriptname;
this is because its handier to thread all functions from the zom.gsc script.
Customisable variables and stuff are in _levelvars if you want to tweak simple dvars .
And messages and strins are at _ingame_text.gsc
Good luck with modding!
~To Download Zombie Opensource Mod by hOly, Click A Mirror Below!~

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