CoDWaW Nazi Map: Nazi Zombie RTD, By Ramapge_619! Shoot’em Dead, Then Shoot’em Again!

call of duty world at war nazi zombie rtd Rampage_619

Rampage_619 has released his first ever Call of Duty World at War map, and for a first time mapper, it’s actually quite sweet! The map is titled: Nazi Zombie RTD, and it brings some unique concepts to the zombie world. Other then the few bugs here and there, the map is definitely something to look forward to now, and in the future.

1. Nazi Zombie RTD

Map Created by Rampage_619

Details: This is my first map so plz Go easy on me. hope you guyz like it. and there is a meteor in this map (looks weird but i tried)
Every hand print you see can help you.

Dempsey: Here we are guys the place Commander told us about.
Nikolai: this place looks deserted.
Dempsey: yes, the people who lived here evacuated this place for some reason. we are here to find that out.
Takeo: why is it always us, why not the other guys.
Dempsey: Commander trusts us more that anyone else.
Nikolai: Richtofen what are looking for.
Richtofen: here there is a hand print on the wall, i wonder what is that?
Nikolai: look at this radio we can call help from this radio
Takeo: guys i think we have company.
Nikolai: look at this electric current from nowhere.
( waaaah)
Dempsey: what the hell is that a human? good thing we shot it. hey doc take a look at this.
Richtofen: this is bad… this is bad i say. this is not a ordinary person, he has been mutated.
Takeo: get your weapons out we have more coming through this window.
Dempsey: we got only a couple here. Find the mystery box!!

Game: Call of Duty World at War

Nazi Zombie

Objective: Fight for life.

– Risers
– Electric and Fire zombies (credit goes for HOGRampage)
– Zappers
– Zipline
– Perk-a-cola
– Random Box
– Zombie Climbers

call of duty world at war nazi zombie rtd Rampage_619 1

~To Download Nazi Zombie RTD by Rampage_619, Click A Mirror Below!~


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– Loyal K.N.G.