A member of the -=AGX=- clan has once again released another one of their sweet multiplayer maps for Call of Duty World at War! This time around, we are happy to thank LoA aka Life for releasing his mp map Trenchtoast. The map is a great all-around map, fitting for just about anyone’s play style, so if your wanting nothing but the highest quality in multiplayer maps, Trenchtoast isn’t to far from it!
1. Trenchtoast (v1.0)
Map Created by -=AGX=-LoA aka Life
Email: sbetto111@comcast.net
Released: 2009-08-25
Details: Old return to castle wolfenstein map. based to be a even sided trench map.
totally rebuilt from scratch added a few new tunnels and turrets.
with lots of battle field fx’s. good for all weapon types.
Game: Call of Duty World at War
Supported Gametypes: dm,tdm,sab,s&d,headquarters/KOTH
Map rebuilt Scripts and Fx by -=AGX=-Life aka LoA
Place the .ff-files & the .iwd-file into “[codwaw]/usermaps/” folder!.
**Notice: You need to run a mod to run custommaps on your server!!!**
~To Download Trenchtoast by LoA aka Life, Click A Mirror Below!~

– Loyal K.N.G.
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