Now this is what I call a CoDWaW map pack! The 4 developer-team, Techno2sl, cobbspur, KillerCrazzy, and Playername have join their skills together to develop their own map pack titled: Zombie Experience Map Pack 1! The map pack consists of 2 Nazi zombie maps for Call of Duty World at War: Nazi Zombie Carentan, and Nazi Zombie Safehouse.
Both extraordinary maps well worth having for any Nazi zombie fan, no matter what your zombie fetishes are (Though, keep in mind that it is advised NOT to use any mods for these 2 maps). Lot of time, and ambition have been put into these maps, and it is easy to tell with the amount of enjoyment you’ll be squeezing out of every zombie you pop open. Zombie Experience Map Pack 1 is simply great map pack you just can’t miss out on. A big thank you goes out to the developers, and all of those who helped in the creation of these 2 maps.
1. Zombie Experience Map Pack 1:
Nazi Zombie Carentan & Nazi Zombie Safehouse (v1.0)
Map Created by techno2sl (Email: & cobbspur & KillerCrazzy & Playername
User’s Website:
Game : Call of Duty World At War
Supported Gametype : Nazi Zombie Mode
Map Size : 4 Player Co-op And Solo Mode
File Size: 158.87 MB
ATM ( Automatic Transaction Machine ) – Enables players to give points to each other and you get 100 bonus points donated to the ATM every round!
Custom Sounds – Sounds made specifically for ambience and features in each level
Mining Cart of Doom (Safehouse only) – Push the cart and kill the zombies ! .. or your team mates… push it back to the top to unleash hell all over again
Weather – Random ambient weather (rain and snow)
AI Management – Use of Shi No Numa style zones
Custom Barricades
Custom Blockers
Custom Double Doors
Custom FX
Custom Snow Textures by arachnofang
Easter Eggs:
Carentan(3… no 2… no wait… damn teddy.. where did that go I wonder…)
Random Perk Machines
6 Random Magic Box Locations
Carentan Description:
Carentan is back. It’s mid morning and the snow is begining to fall again, the players will find themselves divided with only a few scattered weapons at their disposal, team up quickly or save your money for guns, either way you won’t survive long!
There are 5 buildings and 5 out door areas with a total of 9 buyable blockers that players can choose to go through.
You can mount your bipods on certain windows!
You can now traverse the porch roof that joins the Mg house to the middle house!
Faster rounds with zombies attacking from all angles.
Mappers: techno2sl & Cobbspur
Safehouse Description:
Safehouse is a large map set in a pine forest in Austria. The map features 2 buildings (1 being the Safehouse itself), a cave system and several out door areas which promote exploration.
There are 2 Easter Eggs in the map for players to search for.
You can not mount bipods in safehouse, instead there is a triple 25mm AA gun and a MG42 turret for people to play with.
You will be joined by 1 other survivor later in the map…
More content including sounds/skins/textures and maps will be made available in the future.
Mappers: techno2sl & KillerCrazzy
Credit to Other Authors : GeneralWulf
Additional Credits:
Playername for debugging and scripting new features like the Mining Cart and ATM
SparkyMcsparks for his modder firendly DLC2 scripts which are used to help implement the new Shi No Numa features.
Additional Notes: Part of the Zombie Experience Mod for CODWAW
Do not use Carentan or Safehouse with other Mods, the Zombie Experience Maps are setup solely for the Zombie Experience MOD
Installation Instructions:
Extract the installer to the desktop and double click the .exe then follow the installation guide.
Single Player
Load the CODWAW SP Game and click “mods” > “nazi_zombie_experience” > “launch”
Now drop the console “¬” (you may have to enable it in the “options” menu) and type:
/map nazi_zombie_carentan
/map nazi_zombie_safehouse
Co-operative 2-4 players (Players should have the same levels installed)
A Shortcut should be placed on your desktop, this will start the game and the mod for you!
Otherwise: All players must load the CODWAW SP Game and click “mods” > “nazi_zombie_experience” > “launch”
The host must then launch a Co-operative Server, “host online” > “game setup” > “Game mode” = “nazi zombies”
Choose “Carentan” or “Safehouse”
Invite your friends who have also loaded the mod and click “Start Match”
The night time version of the old nazi_zombie_carentan will be back with updated functionallity to work with the new scripts and will be occumpanied by yet another level!
Turrets included are the flak88/triple25 and mg42s – these all work fine in co-op – however we will soon patch issues with the triple25 in SP
Dogs are not enabled in Carentan, it’s hard enough already and the tight spaces wouldn’t work well.
The porch roof outside the MG house in carentan is now fully accessible, this meant updating the layout and extending new areas.
co-op testing took place on over 9 different computers with steady FPS
For installation and gameplay issues please email with a full explanation of the problem
For general game issues including graphics/sounds please consult the CODWAW game manual
Installer: The installer is built to read your Activision game directory, there should be no need to enter it manually.
(Screenshot by [ZCT]Wizzard~Of~Ozz)
~To Download Zombie Experience Map Pack 1, Click A Mirror Below!~
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– Loyal K.N.G.
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