Ant Mega Colonies On Earth Won’t Fight Each Other. The Mafia Of Ants.


Ants are technically over running our world and going to kill us all. They are on every area of the Earth and with there small brains they can co-exist with each other. Scientist claim that we can only blame our selves for actually spreading the ants to different continents, but I disagree. I think the ants brainwashed us with their incredibly cute hour glass bodies.

The colony may be the largest of its type ever known for any insect species, and could rival humans in the scale of its world domination.
While ants are usually highly territorial, those living within each super-colony are tolerant of one another, even if they live tens or hundreds of kilometers apart. Each super-colony, however, was thought to be quite distinct.

But it now appears that billions of Argentine ants around the world all actually belong to one single global mega-colony.

Read more at BBC.

Via: BBC