Neuroscientists Making Image Of Memory Come To Life in the Human Brain Cell!


So you can now see memory, and I know what you guys are thinking, “Wait I can already see my memories. What are you talking about?”, well the thing is that scientist thought it was necessary to be able to see memories flowing through your head. As you can see the image of memory came up to look like the picture above, gnarly isn’t it.

The image shows that proteins are created at connections between brain cells when a long-term memory is formed. Neuroscientists had suspected as much, but hadn’t been able to see it happening until now.
Scientists still want to understand more about how our brains translate memories made on the go into long-term storage. Since synapses are connections between cells, experts think that fortifying these connections, or perhaps even making new ones, helps our minds associate different ideas and form memories of connected events.

Via: LVS