Ray Bradbury Writer Of Fahrenheit 451 Announced How He Hates Internet, Or To Him Interweb.


Wow, I didn’t think Ray Bradbury was still alive, but I guess he is. I remember reading his book Fahrenheit 451 I enjoyed it a little. The only thing I didn’t like about it is that Robots didn’t kill anything. Recently though Ray had a speech over how he hated the internet and such, and it basically went like this:

“The Internet is a big distraction,” said Ray Bradbury, author of Fahrenheit 451The Martian Chronicles, while speaking out in defense of libraries in The New York Times. and

“Yahoo called me eight weeks ago,” he said. “They wanted to put a book of mine on Yahoo! You know what I told them? ‘To hell with you. To hell with you and to hell with the Internet.’

“It’s distracting,” he continued. “It’s meaningless; it’s not real. It’s in the air somewhere.”

Ray your silly Internet won’t kill us, and it’s not a waste of time. Robots are!

P.S. Ray books are just paper with text, just like the internet, Silly Willy Pilly Man.(yeah that was necessary)

Via: SFW